Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mission One

I was sitting in the abandoned Wallace Library at 2100 when I received the following transmission:

Whoever is left out there at RIT we are going to be dropping some supplies sometime between 9:45pm and 10:30pm for you in the football field, but we need a clear site to drop the goods. If we fly by and the site isn’t under control then we can’t drop the goods.

In other words we need you to hold the football field for 45 minutes.

Also out ship was damaged and some cargo might fall off target.


Red - First path. I left Wallace Library with two comrades. Our destination was the track where we assumed we would meet up with more humans.. and zombies. We made our way across the Kodak Quad, down the lawn by building 77, and across the parking lot. I made a quick clothing swap at my car (needed a hoodie and drop off my school bag) before heading towards the edge of the track. Aside the bleachers, we were met by another human, bringing our group up to the lovely sum of four.

Blue - Zombies came. My original group of three escaped, however our comrade wasn't so lucky. Outnumbered, we were only able to watch in horror as he fought his way through the crowd. Success! He broke free of the pack and quickly made his way to our entrenchment. We fell back and headed to building seven in attempt to route our pursuers.

Green - Salvation! We entered building seven and were greeted by a group of 30 or so humans. Deciding it was best to stick with the group, we moved once more towards the track. While scouting ahead, I discovered only that there were zombies scouting from the steps of the field house. We made it to the track and were soon joined by another large group -- this time 35 or so. A handful of undead stood against our legion.

Pink - While only losing two humans during the actual mission, sitting around the track was actually quite uneventful and, to be honest, boring. We completed our objective before moving out. I broke away from the group and wasn't pursued. My trip home was complete.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Beginning Again

Good morning, America! Zombie plague has broken out at RIT! I receieved an email this morning at 12:48AM.


Human vs Zombies has STARTED! From this point on you are to wear your bandanna and carry your id card with you at all times!

Good luck out there, and have fun!


HvZ Admins

To those alive out there -- I'm a human. I've won / lived through multiple games. And I'm not infected by "Original Zombie" disease.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm baaack

Haven't written anything here in a while. Humans vs Zombies is coming up again and I'll be documenting everything here! In the mean time, I'll post about some of the random things I've done since last posting.

Monday, April 28, 2008

[RIT] Humans vs Zombies - Day 1

I received my first email last night at 12:00AM.

-Attention all Students, arm yourselves immediately!

I was working on a lab experiment when I was stumbled upon a virus that, when infected, turns a human into…A ZOMBIE!

The virus has escaped and has already infected humans, it can spread by a mere touch, so be on the lookout.

I am currently working on a plan, and will be sending more information at 10pm Monday night.

Until then, stay safe and be on watch


No big deal.

07:30 - Left dorm for class. No zombies seen.
10:00 - Left GCCIS for Building 10 math class. No zombies seen.
12:00 - Morning classes done. Return to residential side from building 10.
12:15 - Arrive at Gracie's and eat lunch. Two zombies spotted; one by sundial and other while eating.
12:45 - Return to dorm via tunnels.
13:45 - Leave room for class.
14:00 - Arrive at class. No zombies spotted.
16:00 - Leave class for residential side. No zombies spotted.
18:30 - Heading to dinner. Gracie's via tunnel. Zombies seen in Gracie's. (Holy shit, I can't believe I ate Gracie's twice in one day. Wtf is wrong with me?)
19:00 - Leave Gracie's. Return to room via outdoor with fellow human.
22:00 - Second message from admin recieved.

-Attention all surviving humans

The zombie infestation is spreading and I plan to stop it, but I need help. I am stuck at in the academic buildings and I need to gather supplies and take them some place safe to try and work on a cure for the virus.



22:05 - Leave room to accept mission.

23:30 - Arrive back at dorm; exhausted but alive.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Spring Break and the Past Month

So, I've been away for like, 2 months. By "away" I mean "too lazy to post anything" so basically here's what's gone on:

I'm still playing my drums. I'll record something later so you can hear my new beatz :D There a ton better and I apologize to the poor souls who had to hear that noise. Especially you, Waginator, Tyler, and Maximus.

I've also bought a bass! It's great because I can play it past quiet hours and, consequently, get more practice time in. It's an Ibanez.. something or other. Honestly, I've had it for over a month now and I really should pay more attention to that sort of thing but I don't really care!

I'm on Spring break and my car is dead. Luckily it was only 25 miles from home on my way here from RIT. So basically I've been sitting on my couch playing bass, facebooking, and eating sandwiches because I'm too lazy to cook. I've got an idea for a TCP/IP hack and I'll post it tomorrow and do some research to find out if I had a good, original idea or if someone's already beat me to it.

I've got Linux (Ubuntu) on my laptop and I'm bringing my server and another box back to school with me so look for more here soon on network security related stuff :)

Oh, and George Hotz has officially left RIT to cross the country in his hippy van. Good luck, George! We'll always have that manhug <3 roflcopter.
Also, read this: http://www.xkcd.com/355/

Friday, January 11, 2008

Drums: I've got them!

I was bored and feeling musically inclined so I decided to buy a drum set. Hardly ever played drums before in my life, but what the hell; they can't be that hard, right?


I now realise how uncoordinated I am and how much limb independency drummers need. And trying to get my new drums tuned was a pain in the ass to begin with!

But at least they're an intuitive instrument. I also play the trombone and when I first picked it up, I couldn't tell you slide positions or anything. I could name each of my drums before I even bought the set! (I'm thinking about naming my snare (the one I bang the most) Mary. Or not.)

I've gotta take pictures still but here's a poorly recorded sound sample of someone (me) trying to play these beasts. (Pardon the suck lol).

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Years

Madness? This is NYC!

So I drove to NYC and watched the ball drop from Times Square. It was amazing! George, Leslie, Felicia, and myself managed to lifehack our way through the horde of New York City's finest into the third group back from the ball.

- The trip as a whole was fun.
- I got to hang out with my friends
- I saw the ball drop in person
- Gave me a great story to tell how I got past the police ( which I won't be posting here out of concern for our national security)
- I got to ride the fucking train! (Vermont doesn't have many trains)
- George's mom made us muffins and nachos for breakfast the next day
- Running down the streets of NYC like jackasses. ("TO NEW JERSEY!!")

- It was chilly
- I wasn't sure if the liquid I was stepping in was water, soda, blood, alcohol, urine, or any combination of the aforementioned
- The ball was TINY
- I went off the road on my way back to Vermont trying to get through a killer snowstorm

Great trip. I can definately wait a few years before doing it again!